Strong is quitting and asking for help

Strong is quitting and asking for help

Be strong. Push through. It’s not that bad. These are all things an athlete has heard time and again. By now I’m sure you’ve heard about Simone Biles withdrawing from the team competition and now individual all-around gymnastics competition in the Olympics. How much strength and courage does that take? Especially when I’m sure she had someone(s) telling her to be strong and push through….or maybe not as to me Simone doesn’t seem like someone who takes any crap, but I digress.

Simone Biles competing in prelims at Tokyo Olympics

We have no idea and cannot imagine what she’s been through and is going through. I have so much respect for her choosing to withdraw. It makes me think back to winter of my senior year in high school. I was a co-captain and starter on the basketball team but quit mid-season. I vividly remember crying in my bedroom while my dad talked to me. I was not in a good place. I was putting a lot of pressure on myself, including taking all the AP (advanced placement) classes with the goal of being valedictorian.

I don’t recall what the final straw was but do know I was not enjoying playing. I remember being on the bench and praying I wouldn’t be put back in. I also believe I experienced some bullying from teammates. It all came to a head and I just had to quit. Thinking back, this was probably my first bout of depression and anxiety.

But I don’t remember anyone talking about mental health. I quit. I felt bad about it. Even now it’s hard not to think about it and feel weak or like a quitter. I know more now as I have dealt with my anxiety and depression. However it wasn’t until fall of my first year of dental school, so nearly 4 years later, that I sought professional help. Since that time I have reached out for professional help when I felt that I needed it.

Thank goodness now there is more awareness surrounding mental health but obviously we still have a long ways to go. Simone Biles decision has certainly helped spur more conversation. (Thank you Simone!) It takes strength and courage to admit you’re struggling. I can’t encourage everyone enough to reach out for help. It is not a sign that you are weak, but that you are strong.

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If you are in need of support, but not in crisis, consider reaching out to a warmline. Warmlines offer you a place to call when you just need to talk to someone. Speaking to someone on these calls is typically free, confidential, and run by people who understand what it’s like to struggle with mental health problems. Find a warmline at