You just never know who you might be impacting

You just never know who you might be impacting

You really just never know who you might be impacting.

One of my goals is to meditate daily. Since the New Year I’ve been doing the Daily Calm meditation. ( We have a room where I have some of my meditation things including what my hubby calls my “tuffet.” 😂 Ok, it’s really a meditation cushion but who’s keeping track.

This morning my jaw almost dropped on the floor when my husband said, as he was leaving for work, “I want you to help teach me how to meditate.”

Say what?!

Ok at first I said “oh I’ll change him yet.” Haha!

Seriously though it’s definitely not about changing anybody but helping them live their best life and become their best selves.

Him saying that though has totally made my day today!

Then in my coach’s Start Your Side Gig FaceBook group someone mentioned they watched a video from weeks ago where it was just myself and the coach working through some things. A peer in the group said that watching this interaction provided some good info and helped get her thinking.

Wow! That was the icing on the top today.

It got me thinking that we really never know who we could be impacting. And, impacting others just being ourselves, or sharing our story.

The other aspect I’ve realized is that it’s not just telling someone they should do something. For example, me telling my husband he should also meditate daily probably would have fallen on deaf ears and led to nothing if I suggested it weeks ago, but now he is ready. He is asking to learn.

Like the saying goes, when the student is ready the teacher will appear. Or maybe in this case the teacher is ready and once the student is, that’s when the magic really happens.

This is part of why I have been feeling drawn to coaching or some way to help others particularly with my own experiences.

In my journey the last year or so I’ve realized I have much that I can share. Not only does it make me feel so good to help someone, but also the idea that I could help that person not make the mistakes I have and/or help them navigate similar challenges to find their true selves.

I do believe we all have the capacity to impact others. I’ve shared just a couple recent examples in ways I found out I have. And I think it’s also an important thing to keep in mind as well because we can be a positive impact or negative impact.

Sometimes we may not even be trying to make an impact, but just by doing our thing, living our authentic life, others see that, and we make an impact without even intending to.

I’ve been working on figuring out a way to have a positive, purposeful impact.

Here, without even knowing it, I’ve already started.

Remember we all make an impact, so let’s make it a good one.