Tag: goals

Stop…and take inventory on life

Stop…and take inventory on life

I’ve missed writing! I was thinking this morning how much I enjoy reading and writing now! I definitely don’t remember thinking and feeling that way back in high school AP English!!! πŸ˜‚ Much and not much has transpired over these last few months. I believe 

This Is a Journey and the Only Way is Through

This Is a Journey and the Only Way is Through

I’m feeling that it’s time. It’s time to share a very personal part of my story. Of what I’ve been going through And I share, not to gain status or reputation. I share to help others. Even impacting one woman will be worth it. I 

The Why of Water & How to Hydrate

The Why of Water & How to Hydrate

“Water is the only drink for a wise man.” – Henry David Thoreau


πŸ’¦ 75% of us are chronically dehydrated!!!
πŸ’¦ Our bodies are 60% water and our blood is 90%!
πŸ’¦ Improve overall health and well-being!


πŸ’¦ Start with half your body weight in ounces.
πŸ’¦ Set mini-goals throughout the day.
πŸ’¦ Use a special mug or cup!
πŸ’¦ Track
πŸ’¦ Set reminders on phone

πŸ’¦Let’s get hydrated! πŸ’¦

Make 2023 your best year ever

Make 2023 your best year ever

Goal setting for the year ahead! And no, NOT New Years Resolutions! I use Michael Hyatt’s book Your Best Year Ever. (Link here to purchase.) Take sheet paper and put the year ahead on the top. 10 domains:Spiritual, Intellectual, Emotional, Physical, Marital, Parental, Social, Vocational, 

Take the time to review year 2022 for an even better year next year

Take the time to review year 2022 for an even better year next year

Year-end review! There are many ways you can do this and innumerable posts on but this is what I did! 1. Make 3 columns and go through your year noting: Things that were awesome Things never want to do again Things that make you feel 

Scary goals lead to big growth

Scary goals lead to big growth

When’s the last time you tried something new?

Something you might even suck at?!

If you’re anything like me I bet it’s been a while.

What is it with this idea that we gravitate to doing things that we are good at and avoid those we aren’t.

Even if there might be something we want to do, something that might be fun, or bring us joy?!

Sadly most of the time, myself included(!), we choose things that highlight our strengths and avoid things that might show our weaknesses.

Last week I was listening to the Choose Strong podcast by ultrarunner Sally McRae (link here) and she spoke of this idea. She had never run the Leadville 100 because she knew she would struggle due to it being at altitude and she has issues breathing due to an incident shortly after her birth.

However, she did choose to do that race as part of her Choose Strong project. She knew it would be difficult. She knew she would struggle. In the past she chose races to do well as being a professional ultrarunner that is her job and of course she wants to place well in the events she does. So in the past she had never done the Leadville 100 as she knew she’d have a hard time doing well.

As part of her project she did the event and finished. But she did struggle. However, it was interesting that she shared that it’s when we do things that are difficult, that when we struggle, those are the things that help us to learn about ourselves and grow.

I think that’s so true!

Similarly, a book I’m reading touting the benefits of meditation (link here) says that many people don’t do it because they think they suck at it – especially us high achievers- so they don’t meditate!

Again, so true!

It is hard to choose to do things that we aren’t good at or we know we won’t succeed at right away. But that is what leads to a life of growth.

When I first got into triathlons, I loved the last leg – running – as it was my strength. However, the first leg – swimming – was a big challenge for me. I knew how to “swim” but not in any way that was remotely fast or efficient. It took working at it a lot to improve to where I at least was comfortable and could swim the distance of races to end up completing an Ironman (a 2.4 mile swim), nearly 5 years after I first begun the sport.

I know I’ve been that way in choosing – whatever it is – work or races – things I’ll do well at vs things that maybe I just want to do it.

But I’m letting go of that need to be good at something right away and realizing that in the learning, the doing, is the growing. I think that’s why the idea of creating a business including speaking is appealing to me. I’m definitely feeling scared but I feel drawn to it. I know that by pushing myself I will only grow and help others.

Similarly with racing, I do have dreams of longer races – maybe even a 100 miler myself! It’s scary to think about. The longest I’ve done thus far is a 50k (31 miles). It will be some time before I’m close to consider signing up. The idea of failing, of DNFing (not finishing) an event is scary but as Ruth Soukup said “If your goal doesn’t scare you it’s not big enough.”

I also think it’s with those kinds of goals that we grow the most. And it’s also not just in the goal but in the process, the journey, to achieving that goal that we learn about ourselves.

Rather than worrying about showing our weaknesses or perhaps even failing, let’s remember this when thinking about and choosing our goals, “A goal should scare you a little & excite you a lot.” – Joe Vitale

It felt so good to weigh in after a trip

It felt so good to weigh in after a trip

Said no one ever….but yes I recently did! TLDR: After being at a 5 day conference I came home the same weight. See tips below! Early July I was at The Dental Festival in Nashville. I was gone for 5 days. As you may know 

Give yourself some patience, love and grace

Give yourself some patience, love and grace

I am feeling uninspired this week. Anyone else? I also have been feeling tired and rundown from just trying to keep up with all the things. It’s hard finding that balance between working towards your goals and taking time for rest and fun. I often 

Oh life and its setbacks!

Oh life and its setbacks!

Last evening I sprained my right ankle pretty badly. I’m not even sure what or how it happened. I was taking the dogs out for their walk, carrying a piece of recycling to put out in the bin in the grass at the end of the driveway which I had moved there earlier for the next day pick up.

(Cue lesson on multi-tasking…maybe?)

I think it was on the edge of the driveway my ankle turned, pop, and down I went with a scream. I’m sure it was quite a sight!

Oh man did it hurt! I was down on the ground for a few minutes and as I tried to get up I felt nauseous and faint. Of course I tried to continue with the dogs’ walk but soon realized I needed to turn-around.

It’s so hard to not be upset when something like this happens – a setback.

I’ve been so consistent walking every day and with my workouts. I don’t want to miss even one of them!

They (my walks and workouts) have become my habits and a big part of my day, my routine.

But I must trust. I must trust my body, that it will heal and I will return. I must trust that I won’t let this setback stand in the way of my goals. I must trust I will return to my routine when my ankle is better.

However, this is difficult for me!

I bet it is also difficult for you. Why do we have a hard time trusting our bodies and ourselves?

With the winter weather or a busy day, I’ve been up and out at 5am to be sure to get my daily walk in.

I know this situation is different than just saying “I don’t feel like it” or “it’s cold out” and not going for a walk. Unfortunately, I don’t have much control in this case. And, also that going out and forcing my body into it, putting weight on my ankle, I could make things worse.

Temporary setbacks are overshadowed by persistence. – Quentin L. Cook

I even just totally envied a woman out walking with her dog I saw out the front window. Amazing how much we may take for granted. And now that I’m unable to do something how much more I want to do it.

While it is challenging for me, I am working on my reaction to this situation. Rather than looking at this setback as a setback, I’m looking at this as an opportunity to strengthen my mindset and my resolve to achieve my goals.

Could setback = opportunity?

For now I will rest and ice my ankle like it’s my job, so I can be back out walking like a boss, as if I haven’t even missed a beat!

And who knows, maybe my mindset and resolve will be that much stronger and my walks will mean even more.

Year review and plan 2022! No resolutions here!

Year review and plan 2022! No resolutions here!

Are you spending more time planning your next trip, your next vacation, your weekend plans, what’s for dinner than your year ahead? Keep on reading! This will be worthwhile for your life! I just spent this afternoon doing a 2021 year review and 2022 goals.