It really is about eating an elephant one bite at a time!

It really is about eating an elephant one bite at a time!

Happy New Year!

As everyone is making those resolutions and seeing all the marketing out there to lose weight, get in shape, and be the “new you” I’d like to share something I was thinking of today.

As I’ve shared I have really packed on some pounds. I was struggling back in 2016 and in the last couple years it has only gotten worse.

Early December I started working with a nutritionist/accountability coach and I’ve lost 8lbs and 7 inches!

Woohoo! 🥳

But I’ve still got a long way to go. Like ideally 44 more lbs.

When starting to work with Coach Maria we talked about 50 lbs. That’s a lot. And it seems daunting for sure.

By focusing on daily habits though, we start to eat the elephant one bite at a time. So here I am 15% of the way to my goal!

Basically, it’s been fairly simple. Notice I didn’t say easy – but simple. Sidenote: It makes me so mad how much money I spent though the last 5-6 years on naturopaths, a holistic nutritionist, and other avenues that I strictly followed with no improvement and perhaps even making me worse. So that’s part of why I want to share even more!

Again, it’s not been easy, but it is fairly simple and straightforward.

  • Walking every single day.
  • Strength workouts 3x/week
  • Tracking my macros and having target numbers to hit
  • Hydrating – I shoot for 100oz/day
  • Sleep – getting 8+hours
  • Working on mindset (even though I’m listing this last it really should be #1!)

The basics day in and day out are moving me in the right direction. No quick and easy fixes. No magic drinks or supplements.

Oh, and btw I’m not starving or suffering. I’m enjoying my food and workouts!

It can be so easy to look at the big end-goal and get overwhelmed. But, that just puts us in a poor mindset and makes things that much more difficult!

I’m choosing to focus on the daily habits and while it’s not glamorous, it’s moving me day by day, bite by bite, to my goal!

Is there a current area of your life where you could implement this?

It could be along the same lines of health and fitness but maybe it’s that you want to read more. Just reading 15 minutes a day could be 12 books a year; 30 minutes a day 24 books in a year!

Or, maybe you want to save more money. Saving just $5/day would be $1825/year (not including any interest either)!

My point is doing small things every day adds up to big things over the long-haul!

It’s hard for us to wrap our minds around bigger things, like losing 50+lbs. And, often, that gets us stuck, and we make no progress. But when we break it down into daily habits, and think progress not perfection, we start to chip away and next thing we know, we have eaten the elephant*!

*no elephants have been harmed or literally eaten with writing this post 😉