Investing in yourself is the best investment you can make!

Investing in yourself is the best investment you can make!

Hey everyone! So I took the plunge and made a big investment in myself last week! I’ve hired a nutritionist/accountability coach.

I’m so excited!

I had been stalking a facebook group by this coach and soaking in as much info as I could. I’ve spent money on other avenues including a nutritionist to try to help with my health goals but haven’t succeeded. So I was hesitant to spend more money.

However, the more I scoured her page and started interacting with her it just seemed serendipitous. I was nervous – especially with how much money it was. But I always have said health is wealth and investing in yourself is the best investment you can make!

I signed up last Thursday, had my first call Friday and officially started yesterday! It feels so good. And, I do realize I’m very fortunate to be able to afford to do this. I don’t plan to waste it!

I’ve been going through a bit of a journey here –

  • I started working with a career coach in January 2021.
  • I found a therapist who’s a good fit in the spring 2021.

I am feeling like this is the last missing piece to the puzzle of me. Because if I don’t like how I feel or look and am unhappy in my own body nothing else really matters, does it?

What I am really loving about this new coach is it’s not just about nutrition and exercise. She strongly believes in mindset as well and that mindset is a big part of health! I can’t agree more!

I mean I think of the many things I have accomplished thus far and still have trouble believing in myself. That is finally starting to change.

In our society however, especially for women, it’s almost an honor to berate ourselves. Think of the last time you went shopping with other female(s). No one, at least that I know of, comes out of a dressing room with an outfit on saying “I look amazing” or “I look hot!”

No, it’s more like “This outfit makes me look fat” or “I’m so out of shape.” What the heck is this?

My therapist has told me of a time when she was in a group going around saying what they thought of themselves and she said “I’m a badass.” Everyone chuckled like she was joking. She said no really “I’m a badass.”

Yes! See why she’s my therapist?! We all need to – and should!- think more highly of ourselves.

This is finally starting to change for me and it feels good! And, this is just the beginning!

I choose to invest in myself!

And you know why?

Because I’m worth it!

And so are you!