
C25k complete, PNOE, and more

C25k complete, PNOE, and more

Haha! Best laid plans…. When I started back on my running journey doing the C25K plan I had intentions of blogging about it every week. Well here we are 4 weeks from my previous post! Good news in a nutshell is I am still progressing 

Progress is progress and isn’t always easy

Progress is progress and isn’t always easy

Has it really been over 2 weeks since I posted?! Time is flying by! I am still cruising along here following the Couch to 5k plan. You can check that out here. Since my last post I’ve made some progress! As of my last post 

Week 4 Workout for July 4th and Audacious Dreams

Week 4 Workout for July 4th and Audacious Dreams

Let’s do an update!!!

When I last wrote I had repeated weeks 1 & 2 of the C25k training plan and started on week 3.

I have now completed week 3 and did a “bridge week” or week 3.5 I’m calling it.

Week 3 workouts were all the same:

  • 5 minute brisk walk to warm up
  • 90 seconds running
  • 90 seconds walking
  • 3 minutes running
  • 3 minutes walking
  • Repeat the above (minutes warm-up) twice

Week 4 felt like a big jump from the above because week 3 was a total of just 9 minutes of running (in 90 second and 3 minute chunks) and week 4 workout is 16 minutes total running between 3 and 5 minute chunks.

And from my previous post here, remember I’m taking things slow now, believing that I’ll be stronger later with no issues 😊

For week 3.5 I did week 3 and repeated it three times instead of just twice. That equaled 13.5 minutes of running.

Happy to say yesterday (July 4th) I did the first workout of week 4!

Week 4 workouts again are all the same and the workout consists of:

  • Brisk 5 minute warmup walk
  • 3 minutes running
  • 90 seconds walking
  • 5 minutes running
  • 2.5 minutes walking
  • 3 minutes running
  • 90 seconds walking
  • 5 minutes running

For this one (first workout of week 4 above) on July 4th, I hit up the nearby Nick’s Creek Greenway early just after 630am before the sun popped up. I didn’t see another soul and other than it being quite buggy it was quite an enjoyable run. I did a longer walk to warm-up as it was a 10 minute walk to get to the trail and same for after I finished the above workout.

I’m slowly chipping away building back. It’s hard at times not to think back to a time where, heck, an hour run getting in 7 miles was easy. Now I’m excited to be up to running at 5 minutes a time for a total of 16 minutes a workout.

I am going to keep on believing though that I will get there. I’m working on staying focused on the “long-game.”

Last weekend I spent most of it (other than my workouts) on the couch watching the coverage of the Western States Endurance Run (WSER) on YouTube. WSER is a 100 mile trail race that is point-to-point from Squaw Valley, CA to Auburn, CA.

I tell ya if you need some inspiration or motivation check out some of these events. I was following Sally McRae aka Yellowrunner. She’s much more than an incredible athlete. Check out her book and podcast titled Choose Strong.

Here’s a link to an article with incredible photos to give you the vibe – The 2024 Western States 100 in Pictures .

I sometimes wonder why there’s a part of me that is just so drawn to them. I’m in awe of these runners and can’t tell you how many ounces I shed in tears.

I dream to do events like this, maybe even WSER, although it is incredibly tough to get into even via the lottery. I have a friend who it took 11 years to finally gain an entry.

And as I sit here after writing that, it seems quite audacious. Maybe back in 2013 it would have been more plausible when I was in Ironman shape and weighed 50lbs less.

However I’m at a point I have to keep working each day toward these goals. I’ve contemplated quitting the “whole running thing” and just can’t. And while it seems audacious to be dreaming about events like these I will keep on dreaming.

Part of it I think is seeing how far and how much we are capable of.

I also love being outdoors and know nature is incredibly healing for me.

And movement, movement is another huge piece for me, mentally and physically, to feel good and be me.

What is it for you? That makes you feel good, feel healthy, happy, free, and whole?

Repeat Now = Better Later

Repeat Now = Better Later

Refresh your memory of where I’m at in this return to running journey here. Honestly I had to myself before I started writing this post! 😂 Here’s a recap for all of us: After initially doing weeks 1 & 2 of the C25k training plan 

Embracing the Journey: Slow Going is Still Progress

Embracing the Journey: Slow Going is Still Progress

Read here about my successful week 1 of C25k training. Now for week 2… I did workout 1 of week 2 Saturday, June 1 and it went well. I felt good after…no pain! Couch to 5k (C25k) week 2 workouts consist of: The following Monday 

Successful Week 1 of C25k Training

Successful Week 1 of C25k Training

If you haven’t yet, please check out my previous post here, where I discuss my 3 months of PT and finally getting cleared to run! 🥳

Last Saturday (5/25) I started week 1 of the couch to 5k (C25k) training. Each week consists of 3 workouts.

Week 1 they were all the same:

  • Brisk 5 minute walk to warm-up
  • Repeat 8 times: 60 seconds run and 90 seconds walk
  • I added 5 minutes of walking to cool-down

This was a workout totaling 25 minutes with 8 total minutes of running. It might not seem like much but it was huge to me …. especially when I didn’t have any foot pain after!

I think I had gotten so used to having pain, feeling pain, it is really strange not having any!

And, I also felt very strong in my core. I feel like I’m using the muscles I’m supposed to while running.

Yes, it’d be easy to look at this plan, which takes 9 weeks to build up to 30 minutes of running, think of how good I feel, and skip over several weeks, to build up my time running faster. However, I am committed to sticking with this plan and building slower.

Making sure I am not falling back into my “pattern,” as my PT calls it. And that I maintain form and strength. In the long run (haha, pun intended!) this will no doubt serve me, and my body, best.

As other runners know, it sucks to be injured. Period.

It sucked taking 3 months to get to the point where I could run again. Even if it’s just been a whole 8 minutes. Those 8 minutes mean more to me than one could imagine.

I just have to remember that every minute will build and help me in the long-term to reach my goals.

I can’t lie that it is hard not wanting to start thinking about races and making plans.

Back to Running Down a Dream

Back to Running Down a Dream

13 weeks. It’s been 13 weeks of physical therapy (PT), doing my PT exercises multiple times daily, and patience … And I finally have the green light to run!!!!! I started the Couch to 5k (C25k) running plan this morning, Saturday, May 25, and so 

Poem Makes It from Scribbled to Publish

Poem Makes It from Scribbled to Publish

I wish I had at least noted the date that I jotted this poem down. Or even a few words around the circumstances that prompted these thoughts. So I could tell you more behind these words. I have some vague memories surrounding it. Rather than 

Out with the Sorento in with Jeep ducks and waves!

Out with the Sorento in with Jeep ducks and waves!

I had no idea what I was getting into buying a Jeep!

I’ve been a Kia Sorento owner for nearly 14 years ….it was time for a change.

Something FUN!

My word for 2024 is FREEDOM!

Picturing myself driving with the top down, music going, sun shining, wind in hair…hello freedom!!! 

Nothing says freedom more than that vision right?!

Little did I know I was getting much more than that.

Duck and Wave

Duck, duck, Jeep!

At first I was like duck, duck, what?! Yes, look it up (duck, duck, Jeep)- it’s a whole thing!

So Mark, before we even purchased the Jeep had a box full of rubber ducks …my first day driving it to work he had “ducked” me …meaning put a duck on the Jeep. Check out the story of how and why this started here.

That’s why you see ducks on the dashboards of jeeps! I had no idea and always thought what the heck is that and that I’d never do that ….. little did I know, yes I would.

Currently I have two ducks on my Jeep dashboard. The second one I received from an assistant I work with – of course, it’s a dental duck! The duck is holding toothpaste and a toothbrush.

Of course I “ducked” her back as she’s also a Jeep driver and put a green “dragon duck” on her jeep as green is her favorite color.

Now aside from the ducking there is a whole Jeep wave!!

Jeep owners give a wave to other Jeep owners as they pass one another – as a form of respect and acknowledgement that you both own a bada$$ vehicle. 😊

This makes my day anytime I wave and get a wave back. I feel and LOVE that connection!

It’s amazing such a small gesture can have a big impact. Sometimes it really is the little things. Read more about the Jeep wave here

And just yesterday another Jeep driver, with his top down, feeling the FREEDOM, gave a big fist pump and yell!

It made my day and gave me a big smile, and honestly even a little laugh. Thank you enthusiastic dude in another Jeep!

I bought a Jeep and now I’m part of a whole thing ….ducks, waves and all. I’m delighted to enthusiastically continue the Jeep ducking and waving tradition. 🐥 🤗

Stop…and take inventory on life

Stop…and take inventory on life

I’ve missed writing! I was thinking this morning how much I enjoy reading and writing now! I definitely don’t remember thinking and feeling that way back in high school AP English!!! 😂 Much and not much has transpired over these last few months. I believe